Lost in minecraft

It was a sunny day in Minecraft, I went away from my house to explore. I found a ravine I went down to explore. There was lapis lazuli, gold, coal, iron, obsidian and heaps of diamonds. I took everything but then I heard a groan, it was a zombie I sprinted as fast as I could. Zombies cant go in sunshine I was running home but I got lost.but thankfully I have a compass I found my way home. I went into my library to my lectern and wrote. Always take a diamond sword or something to protect me.

The Diamond

Noo! I’m so upset right now. This magical diamond has magically made my book disappear. While I was sprinting in the woods the diamond appeared next to a tree with no leaves. The bad thing is. That I lost my diary with all my memories in it. Was this really only the gem or are there more gems hmm. I went into the woods very deeply and I saw lots of kinds of shiny precious things. This was so zany! Wowsers! I saw the diamond with the book so I took the book and ran. It had all my things.

The alien party

The music was loud but something was louder, then I walk outside and see something passing the atmosphere and it was going to crash.I saw someone that had binoculars so I asked if I can use them.Then I look up and it was a space ship I yelled RUN!!!!!!!! And all the people ran from the party and a minute later it crashed I thought to my self was this really the only way? So I went to explore and this alien jumped out, it was chasing after me.I ran for my life but then I thought maybe if I trap it would go so I did and ran to the basement and locked the door and now the party is back on.

The statue

It was a dark and stormy night as the guards were scouting the perimeter of the castle of king Gabriel.  As the guards were scanning the perimeter, one guard saw a statue of an crocodile.  The statue of the crocodile started to crack.  While it was cracking, the guard yelled and got other guards to come straight away so they would believe him. They waited until it was done cracking, then popped out a little baby crocodile.  Blue veins started to form on the little crocodile and it started to burp little bits of water out of its mouth.

Carmen sadiago

Vroom! The red car goes right past and wins the race then the race car drivers mentor is very happy. BOOM! The alarm goes off. The red race car is stolen then the police chase the driver down the highway stsss! The oil slick makes the police spin crazy and crash, bump, slid and bang up against each other. The driver gets away with the billon dollar car.the next day.”lets get this car to vile and get a seat at the vile table”said mechy the mechanic plop! She get hit on the head fpoch! She falls on the ground of the blimp “i’ll take that thank you very much” said carmen Santiago. to be continued……

School’s closed

What will I do if school’s closed



Mum mum! What happens if school is closed. You will have to do work from home. What!!! Why can’t we just relax and have chips like that’s un fair. The next day I told my friends and they were totally ok with that I was really surprised that they didn’t reacted like me. After school my mum said that school was cancelled for 6 months I was really disappointed and wanted to go back to school tomorrow but I couldn’t I was not allowed to see my friends for a long time.



I cant believe this ,I am in Sydney for a whole week  . Also my best friend Jojo Badke is with me

And I am super super exited. We get to go to the Sydney harbour bridge plus after we get to go to

The toy store. Time to hop in the car yelled mum coming said  me and  Jojo  vroom vroom

Were here hooray we ran out of the car with excitement what are they  Jojo yelled. Instead of going to the Sydney harbour lets go check them out , they are soldiers they are  amazing and they are all

Wearing different coloured shirts.

The Weirdest Dream Ever!

BOOM BOOM I went flying to my window. There is lots of little statues in front of my window?? There was lots of colours like blue, red, green, yellow, white and purple. Then I saw the Opera House. Then I went in the Opera House. In  the Opera House was lots of puppies, dogs, kittens, cats, fish in the fish tank, hamsters and turtle in the turtle tank. I said” ok I am leaving. Then I went back home. Mum was washing dishes she said” isn’t it a great day today. Then I said” argh yes it is. Mum said” your acting funny. I said” I  am  not. Mum said” oh my mistake your not acting funny. Then I woke up so I must have had of had a dream as there was no little statues out my window.

The Green One

OH! It is so heavy. The samurai statues are metal and some are yellow like a banana mmm. One of the blue samurais were damaged so it was light. No statues were black  because it would attract heat. There are tons of statues like some were blue, yellow, green, purple and white. They also set it near the Sydney Opera House but I don’t know why. One of the green ones were magical that it can dance. However It didn’t dance it  jumped and jumped and couldn’t stop. The green one bounced into the water and never seen again. BOO!


It was 19 95 the soldier  were battling the statue Queen  in Sydney  huber sadly the soldier got tend in to statue’s  they were all different colours like yellow purple and red  today I going to the the statue queen’s palace and make her  tend the soldier’s back to people. I’m need a car or a super hero to fly me there.  Om super girl is coming now .  Cool hahaha . We are finally at the statue queen’s palace . I demand you to tern the soldier back to humans .After a bit of hard work she did.