Dear diary

Dear diary todays the day. The day I go to the dance. Im sooo anxious to dance with a girl. See life is a bit difficult for my life because I don’t go to big social events so my mum made me go to a dance to get out of my confit zone. We had to dress up so I dressed up as a big red fluffy monster. While I was get prepared I was riding my scooter on the concrete. I was done getting ready me and my mum went to the dance then I danced it was fun then we went home and had a quiet night from then on.

One thought on “Dear diary

  1. I love the way you have used all the prompt words in your story, Jack. I can just see you dressed up for the dance as a red fluffy monster! You story flows very well and you explain how you are feeling very clearly. I particularly like the phrase ‘Im sooo anxious to dance with a girl’.

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