The Beautiful day

Come on it’s time to get up. We’re going on an adventure today. Awwwww really.Why can’t I just stay in’s you’re favourite place ever the meadows. Ok I will be down soon. When we got to the meadows the first thing we saw was the beautiful flowers and sun. We walked more into the meadows we saw a sign saying warning there has been lots of sink holes in the ground. That’s really strange we were just here last week and there was no sink holes. So we were walking home and a hole appeared behind us. But this weird man kicked us in the hole but luckily there was water at the bottom.

2 thoughts on “The Beautiful day

  1. Hi Ryan
    Your 100WC has a really good pace and an interesting idea. If you are wanting characters to speak, as it seems yours have done in the beginning, remember to add speech marks around what they say eg “Come on.It’s time to get up.” It makes it much easier for your reader. Great use of the prompt words for this story. Well done.
    Mrs P (Team 100WC)
    Wellington, New Zealand

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