Deafening Screams

The deafening screams echoed through the cold night. My neighbour’s were screaming for help so I ran to see what was the matter. Lizzie’s hair turned purple! So we had to investigate. Just at that moment her brother ran past laughing so I followed him back to his room where he had a life time supply of purple hair dye. But why would he need that? So I watched him because mother didn’t say not to spy on the neighbour’s so I took that seriously. I followed a trail of purple hair dye from his room to the bathroom. It all made sense, he had put the hair dye in the shampoo!

The haunted tree part 2

Jack and Rocco found some rocks and made a small fire pit while Byron, Jerry and Spencer went off to collect sticks from nearby trees. All of a sudden Byron, Spencer and Jerry heard deafening screams that echoed through the cold night. Byron, Spencer and Jerry came running out of the bushes screaming with terrified looks on their faces. “What happened?!” Jack asked “we heard screams!” Said Byron terrified. “Well did you get the sticks?” Said Jack “ yes we did” said Byron panting.

To be continued…

Creepy Noises

Jazzy-Bell didn’t speak the entire car trip. She couldn’t believe her parents were making her stay at her cousins house. She hated the house it was like a horror house. It was squeaky and dark. It was night time after Jazzy-Bell’s parents left her there so she went straight to sleep. In the middle of the night Jazzy-Bell was thirsty so she got up to get a drink. She heard a creepy noises and saw something move. She screamed. The deafening screams echoed through the cold night. Someone turned the light on. It was her cousin Addy who was sitting on the lounge playing on her ipad. She was the one who was making the noise and who gave Jazzy-Bell a fright! Jazzy-Bell couldn’t wait to get back home.

The Real Dream

The deafening screams echoed through the cold night as I was walking through the street. All of a sudden, I saw something. I think my mind was playing tricks on me but then I saw a figure of a human standing in front of me. I went running back to the end of the street as it came closer and CLOSER. As I got to the house, I ran up the stairs and went straight to my room and hid under the bed. Even now I still don’t know what was chasing me. Maybe it was a dream or maybe it was real.

By jett M

The lost dog

The lost dog.

Come here Banjo it’s time for your bath… Banjo were are you. I ran over to mum I said to her do you no were banjo is no sorry. I kept looking all over the house and I couldn’t find him. We were looking every were and no were to be seen. 2 hour’s later we noticed a black shape moving in the shadows it was a stranger in our back yard we call the police an they came with a dog in there hands it was Banjo the police gave us him back and caught the man in the black and all lived happily ever after.

The flowing river

As me and max were sitting by the river the wind started to pick up and it was getting cold. I went to the car to get my jacket. I heard a YELP I ran to the river to see max flowing down the river. I looked for the nearest tree and climbed it. As in watched max flow closer and closer as he was flowing past me I grabbed his collar and pulled him out. He was shivering and had cuts all over him I got in the car and drove to the nearest vet. He got taken to the emergency room and got treated. But still to this day he loves the water.

The lost dog

WOOF! WOOF! Someone is in my house and buster my dog is barking, he broke the glass window and jumped through it to escape but buster ran after him. It’s been a day after and buster hasn’t came back,  I’m really scared because he’s not the biggest dog so the only thing I could do was look for him. I have been looking for hours but I can’t find anything until I hear a dog so I ran as fast as I could and saw buster next to a lake. I was so grateful to see my dog again but I just hope I never see that guy again.

The flying box bird

Once there was a raccoon named scribbles his best friend was a leaf named Gerald
But one day Gerald flu away in the terrible most terrible wind of them all
Scribbles built a chair that could fly like a bird in the sky he use the box the most terrible Wind
And A chair he flew A cross the Atlantic Ocean and passed Mount Forest
but the wind started to slow down and down and down before dropping to the ground he waited and waited to the wind to pick up again on the next day The wind picked up and made him go home and livd happily ever after.

The lost ember part 2

Hi I am back we still haven’t found found the ember . oh We found sight of the ember , ooh nice sky, we rushed as fast as we could. False alarm It was just a racoon in a box chair Oh there’s a leaf there’s something written on it could this be a clue. It says beware what’s around this thing could be found. What does that mean we said and A idea popped into my head I think it means that it has to be somewhere where it round. I think this is round Aircon thing is inside a triangle that’s around so we went there ,To Be Continued .


Bobby was at a mysterious house. He rang the door bell shouting for help because he was lost. A man came out and Bobby said, “I need some help.” The man responded, “Yes come inside and you can have a cookie.” Bobby believed him so he went in. He heard the deafening screams echoed through the cold night in the house. Suddenly, the lights went out. The ghosts did the deafening screams. A glowing ghost came out of the man’s chest and bit Bobby. He died slowly and painfully. The ghost left the man lying there. The ghost was free.