The castle

In a beautiful castle there was a princes’ name Danny she loves to watch the leafs fall down when is windy or when is not windy then she saw a guy crafting so she said hello to him but he didn’t say hello back then she thinks she did something bad or something so she close her window and put her rollers on and went out to ride around then she saw the guy again so she said sir and then he said what do you want I just want to say this why didn’t you say hi back to me what do you mean you never said hi to me then she rolled away from him then he ran away because he stole something from her it was a white neckless then she went back home.

By Matilda


Today we went fishing. We went across the south passage bar. The sea was calm, the sun was shining it was a beautiful day on the bayIt wasn’t the best day of fishing. We caught one gold spotted rock cod, two slatey bream and a Mahimahi. The trouble started as we headed home. We were going through the rouschannel when we hit hard. I thought to myself as we were pushing the boat. I had all these thoughts going through my head will we have to sleep here? But if only it was a bit smaller, we would have got though. 

By Billy

The new horse

It was the day the day I got my new horse. I leaped out of bed got dressed and put on my new boots. I went outside to see my parents attaching the trailer. I asked dad if the trailer was attached so we could pick him up. Luckily he said yes. I jumped into the car and couldn’t stop thinking about him. As we pulled up to the driveway I saw him he was a beautiful black mustang. I hopped out of the car and asked if that was him the old owner said it was. I jumped in excitement. As we loaded him into the trailer I asked if I could ride him they said yes so I jumped onto his back and rode into the distance as it got dark I disappeared into the night and I started to head back but I was lost…

By Miley

we disappeared into the night

I packed my backpack full of food, water and a torch, Mary packed the same things plus marshmallows and matches to light a fire. We parked the car near the bush land, we grabbed our stuff and we disappeared into the night. The street lights soon became invisible, we didn’t need our torches, our journey was guided by the light of the moon. We were heading towards a large clearing down by the creek to have a fire and tell stories. We were going to meet John, Elizabeth, and Jacob from school, they packed practically the same things as us except they also brought gummy bears.


It had rained a few days ago and the grass and trees were still very green and bush fires are always so serious in Australia, we wanted to have a fire and tell stories but should I really be doing this? Is it safe. Bob who is the grown up said that because we are having the fire far away from the trees and that  we bought water to put it out it would still be safe to have a fire, roast marshmallows and tell spooky stories. And that made me feel so relieved😅.

By Caitlin


I was walking with Alex my best friend.Alex.was a tall nine year old with fair hair.At the moment we are hiking at the middle of the night here in south Australia.We’re in the middle of a farm and then I see something “look over there” I say “what is it?” Alex asks “I think it’s a figure of a man” “excuse me” Alex says, the man turns around and he runs towards us!I see the sun setting past a dead tree,he starts running we start running and just when he caught us I woke up.


By Spencer

The night

It was a dark and foggy night, the moon as yellow as the sun. The ground full of mist, the tree with curled branches covering the sight of the moon. In the distance are islands, they are dark just like the sky. You could feel the breeze giving you chills through your spine, you breath makes a vapour as you breath onto your hands to feel the warmth of your breath.


By Josie

The Haunted Girl

I waited for the sun to come down. I was walking by myself. I wanted to see the cemetery. I took a photo of myself and the cemetery. I stared at the grave, I wanted to see.

“ Lila Valentina. 1803… One of the most haunted legends,” I said, grinning.

The moon was rising. The wind was howling.

“ W-What’s going on?” I said, turning around to see everything.

“ Oh darn!” I shouted.

“ I shouldn’t have visited here, at… 3:00 pm,” I dropped my phone, terrified.

I stared at my photo…. Lila was watching me.


By Allyson


I lined up the branch as best I could, the wind was blowing strong in the wrong direction. Gee Wizz!!! This whole flying thing is not as easy as Mum and Dad keep telling me it is! It is a very pretty sunset and the sky is such a lovely shade of purple and blue, the tree looks so lonely. “ Oh oh focus on the landing son!!” Dad said.


By Caitlin


WHOOSH, the wind was blowing all through the trees. But that was not the noise that worried me. In the light of the moon all I could see was an old creepy tree, but what was that sound? Was it a dog or something else? As I walked through the woods that seemed to have a purple glow from the moon reflecting off the mountains and water, my mind couldn’t stop thinking about the noise that I had heard. There it was again I heard the noise again, but it sounded louder and louder and louder it was getting closer. I ran got home and hid under my blanket.


By Miley

The Eclipse

Once there was a baby sun who always wanted to be like his father. The baby sun had to hide with the moon at day time, but all he really wanted was to be the sun for just one day. The next day his father said he was ready, the little sun was so happy. He marched out there and when he was half way through the moon appeared, he was jealous, so he blocked the suns light. The little sun said “please move its my day to shine”. The moon felt bad and went back to sleep on his cloud.


By Eliza